Program Goals & Highlights

“Trade creates jobs and lifts people out of poverty. And when that happens, societies stabilize and grow… And there is nothing like a stable society to fight terrorism and strengthen democracy, freedom and rule of law”
Dennis Hastert
51st Speaker of the US House of Representatives (from 1999 – 2007t


o   Create a redevelopment plan that meets the needs of the region and is designed to jump start the region’s economic engines;

o   Submitted projects will focus on creating jobs, developing regional infrastructures and communications between neighbors;

o   Create a NGO (suggested not for profit) that oversees a 10 year regional economic incubator;

o   Help analyze, create and fund needs assessment and related tools;

o   Provide “seed or partnership” money for viable projects that enhance the region and benefit the lives of the citizenry;

o   Establish Financial Security programs, training and education for professionals and individual investors.

 Highlight(s): this project will

o   Train workers for the workplace, creating a consumer based workforce that produces and consumes products and services;

o   Create a diverse and talented regional work pool that will share ideas and talents, building economic partnerships;

o   Fund projects with regional or countrywide development plan(s) and follow a defined RFP application process;

o   Operate as a Matching Fund Program – for every $1 the country provides, we provide $3 – with a country cap of $5 Billion; 

o   Be based on promoting, creating and funding infrastructure development projects with earmarked funds – $6.2 Billion yearly;

o   Ensure that allocated funds are transparent, can only be used for the approved  project, and once earmarked, cannot be advanced or applied to any other project or country without approval by the committee and board; 

o   Make clear that the theft of or spending awarded money on unapproved projects disqualifies the country from the program – period;

o   Be supported by Legislative action – all projects will be approved by a country’s own legislature;

o   Operate as a transparent program, overseen by committee members who will establish specific policy to ensure compliance;

o   Cap salary and overhead for all parties – up to 1/2% (half a percent) of the revenues;

o   Require Construction Bonds for projects, when necessary;

o   Include all countries that donate funds to have a representative on the Board of Directors, each with one vote;

o   Allow small investors retirement accounts, IRA’s and 401K’s;

o   Focus on enhancing zoning and construction standards throughout the region;

o   Enhance the quality of professional and their licenses throughout the region, producing higher quality employees and products;

o   Help conduct or fund needs assessments studies for countries and developing regions;

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