Title: The Gaza Children’s Nutrition, Health and Education Fund (GCNHEF)
I. Executive Summary:
The Gaza Children’s Nutrition, Health and Education Fund (GCNHEF) is a registered non-profit organization committed to improving the wellbeing and education of children in Gaza. Our mission is to provide sufficient nutrition, clean drinking water, quality education and healthcare to 47.3 percent of under 18 year olds of a population of 1.7 million Gazans displaced by the war.
II. Vision and Mission:
Vision: A Gaza where every child has access to quality nutrition, clean drinking water, quality education and healthcare, and where educators have the tools and support they need to inspire and empower the next generation into excellence, peace, tolerance and prosperity.
Mission: To supprt Gaza’s educational and nutritional needs by providing assistance in securing educational resources, food and healthcare.
III. Objectives:
Resource Provision:
- Provide Gaza with healthcare equipment, materials and systems, with a focus on infants and children with special needs
- Providing grades K-12 with the educational tools, materials and supplies, including textbooks,stationary, computers and access to the internet.
- Establish a grant program to fulfill the resources provision through in kind and cash grants to means-tested children in a non-political and peaceful environment.
- Provide Gaza with sufficient nutritional and drinking water needs consistent with international standards;
Educator Training and Professional Support Development Program
- Organize workshops and seminars to enhance teaching methodologies and classroom management.
- To create and provide balanced educational material – starting with lesson plans and textbooks, as well as classroom supplies.
- Facilitate exchange programs with educators from around the world to help train educators while fostering cross-cultural learning and collaboration.
- Offer scholarships and grants to educators for professional training courses, conferences, and advanced degrees.
Technology Integration Initiative:
- Create both online access and portals that will help train and educate.
- Introduce and integrate technology into classrooms to enhance the learning experience.
- Provide training for teachers on utilizing educational technology effectively.
- Provide schools with access to computers, tablets, and internet connectivity.
- Implement training sessions for teachers on integrating technology into their curriculum.
Community Engagement:
- Collaborate with local communities to understand their specific needs and involve them in the decision-making process.
- Establish partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and government entities to create a network of support.
IV. Programs and Initiatives:
School Assistance Program:
- Identify needs and provide financial assistance for infrastructure improvements, such as building repairs, classroom expansion, and sanitation facilities.
Resource Distribution Program:
- Collaborate with publishers, educational technology companies, and other organizations to procure and distribute textbooks, learning materials, and technology to schools.
V. Fundraising and Sustainability:
Diverse Fundraising Strategies:
- Conduct online fundraising campaigns, events, and partnerships with businesses and philanthropic organizations.
- Seek grants from governmental and non-governmental institutions that align with our mission.
Transparency and Accountability:
- Maintain open communication with donors through regular updates and reports.
- Implement financial accountability measures to ensure the responsible use of funds.
VI. Governance and Structure:
Board of Directors:
- Establish a diverse board with expertise in education, finance, law, and community development.
- Recruit a dedicated team with experience in project management, education, and non-profit administration.
VII. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Impact Assessment:
- Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact of programs on student outcomes, teacher satisfaction, and community engagement.
Regular Reporting:
- Publish annual reports detailing achievements, challenges, and financial statements.
VIII. Conclusion:
The Gaza Children’s Nutrition, Health and Education Fund (GCNHEF) will make a lasting impact on the future of Gaza’s children by providing for their most essential and basic nutritional and educational needs. GCNHEF will achieve this through efficient and vetted tools, including strategic partnerships, community involvement, and transparent governance.