"In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: People, Product and Profits" Lee IacoccaAmerican Automobile Executive - Retired Operational Theory: summarized – specifics to be created by participating countries and committeesOrganize a world partnership that will help develop the Middle East over a10 year period;Help create foundational documents like needs assessments, community plans, and zoning concepts;Supply the region with money for projects that will stimulate economic growth and create jobs as well as solve social ills;Introduce programs that will train and educate the citizenry for a 21st century workforce;Create small businesses and supportive loan programs that are awarded based on education and/or financial success;Meeting established standards (goals) or completion will be rewarded with advancement to the next round of project funding. Operational Structure: not for profit organization and structure All Contributory Members will be on the Governing Board (GB) and the option to sit on at least one committee; All committees will follow Roberts Rules of Order, establish meeting schedules and review/award projects All members have 1 vote;Awarded based on competitive bidding, committee projects will be put out for bid using a public RFP Process; Projects will provide a viable transparency process that ensuring that the allocated funds are spent properly;Projects will be approved/denied first by a committee and then the Governing Board; Project Policy Categories: others may be established based on discussion and/or need – by vote Employment Training – $12.5B Infrastructure & Construction – $16.5 Hospitals, Libraries & Schools – $10.1BWater & Resources – $13.5B Energy & Greenhouse Gases – $16.4BFactories & Machinery – $23B Agriculture & Farming – $18.5BTelecommunications – $18.1B Safety & Security $8.1BFinancial Markets $13.1B 10 year Operational Overhead – $3.1B Total: $152.5 Billion The Project Selection Process: Failed projects will be put on hold, funding revoked or cancelled by committee or board vote;1) Award funds to two types of projects:a. Suggest regional projects and programs supported or sponsored by the committee;b. Individual countries will apply for specific projects of interest or need; 2) Seed money of up to $2.5 million will be available to develop Committee related regional projects with board approval; 3) Seed money of up to $1 Million will be made available to develop country specific projects with board approval;